
si ringrazia il Maestro Armando Palmieri

Executive Pastry chef del locale "Stock" a Toronto in Canada

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280 g zucchero semolato
140 burro 82% mg
80 g  cacao
120 g  uova intere
65 g  farina debole tipo "00"
110 g  cioccolato fondente 55%
180 g nocciole tritate grossolanamente

montate il burro con lo zucchero, otterrete una massa spumosa e brillante, aggiungete il cacao e a filo le uova precedentemente mescolate, alla fine la farina e il cioccolato fuso con le nocciole. Porre in teglia (per questa dose, le misure sono 30 x 40 cm.)

teglia alluminio cm. 40x30

cuocere in forno a 180°C per circa 25 minuti.

280 g caster sugar
140 g butter 82% fat
80 g cocoa
120 g whole eggs
65 g weak flour type "00"
110 g dark chocolate 55%
180 g hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

whip the butter with the sugar, you will get a foamy mass , add the cocoa and flush the previously mixed eggs, flour and then the melted chocolate with hazelnuts. Place in baking pan (to this dose, the measurements are 30 x 40cm approximately) bake at 180 ° C for about 25 minutes. 

  • Write By: admin
  • Published In: Biscotteria
  • Created Date: 2020-12-01
  • Hits: 1052
  • Comment: 0
Tags: Brownies , cioccolato ,

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